A team of qualified welders with a passion for their field of work accomplish a large variety of projects under the supervision of a skilled welding engineer. These welding specialists possess in-depth knowledge and experience to make the appropriate preparations for every specific welding technique. Essential to achieve the required quality at a low cost.
Welding procedures
In order to compose and weld products from different types of steel, Lastechniek Wilderink is certified in and has mastered over a hundred ASME IX and ISO-15614 qualified welding procedures. The specialists have advanced machinery at their disposal with all the supporting facilities for a controlled welding process.
Qualified welding methods
- GTAW / 141 (TIG welding)
- FCAW / 136 (MIG/MAG welding with flux-cored wire)
- GMAW / 135 (MIG/MAG welding)
- SAW / 121 (OP welding)