Lastechniek Wilderink’s engineering methods are geared to minimize the lead time from design to readiness after production. Furthermore, the manufacturing expertise which is present throughout offers important support when making design choices. Because engineering and production occur at the same place, the communication lines are short and it is possible for the production department to react adequately to last minute changes and feedback coming from the shop floor.
Lastechniek Wilderink initiates and supervises mechanical calculations and strength analyses for pressure vessels, liquid tanks and frames for, for example, skid construction. Lastechniek Wilderink collaborates with permanent and certified partners. Possible applicable product standards are:
- BS 5500
- EN13445
- AD2000
Detail engineering
When preparing client or other designs, Lastechniek Wilderink has up-to-date CAD systems equipped with an extensive package of 3D and 2D CAD software. Experienced CAD engineers translate the calculations and/or the structural design to drawings for the production department and bill of materials for the purchasing department.